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ICAN's 2025 SEC Action Plan

Informed by the experience and expertise of ICAN’s staff and the nationwide ICAN Legal Network, the ICAN 2025 Action Plan is a comprehensive roadmap for unleashing the full potential of American markets and the small investors and entrepreneurs whose energy and creativity help to drive a healthy, robust economy. 

Investor Choice Advocates Network (ICAN) is the only national organization solely dedicated to breaking down barriers to entry to capital markets and pushing back against SEC overreach. As a nonprofit public interest litigation organization we serve as the legal advocate and voice for small investors and entrepreneurs who help fuel the American economy. This ground-up approach offers us a unique and valuable position from which to identify critical SEC reform opportunities. 


While some reforms can be implemented swiftly, others will require coordinated action from Congress, the Executive Branch, the SEC, and potentially the courts—yet the growing momentum for market reform suggests that these ambitious but achievable changes can create a fairer, more dynamic financial system for all Americans.

ICAN's Logo featuring a lightbulb and stock chart

Investor Choice Advocates Network (ICAN) is a nonprofit public interest litigation organization dedicated to breaking down barriers to entry to capital markets and pushing back against the overreach of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), serving as a legal advocate and voice for investors and entrepreneurs whose efforts help fuel vibrant local and national economies driven by innovation and entrepreneurship.

Investors Choice Advocates Network is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for this contribution.


EIN: 87-3986761

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453 S Spring St Ste 400

Los Angeles, CA 90013

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