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Amicus Briefs
To ensure that the interests and concerns of investors and entrepreneurs are well represented when law is being made, ICAN produces a steady stream of amicus briefs intended to draw official attention among the country’s judiciary to the serious challenges facing investors and entrepreneurs in accessing capital markets.
To date, the organization has filed over 30 amicus briefs.
National Ass'n of Private Fund Managers v. SEC, 23-60471 (5th Circuit, November 8, 2023):
Supporting private fund investors' freedom to choose contractual provisions they prefer and opposing SEC private fund adviser rules to the contrary
SEC v. Panuwat, 21-cv-06322 (N.D. Cal., October 27, 2023):
Informing the court of the unintended consequences of the SEC's novel "shadow insider trading" theory that would allow companies to keep their competitors' stock prices artificially low
SEC v. Jarkesy, No. 22-859 (U.S., October 18, 2023):
Ensuring the right to juries as fact-finders in SEC enforcement proceedings
SEC v Binance, 23-cv-10599 (D.D.C., September 28, 2023):
Challenging the SEC's attempt to restrict investors' access to digital asset trading platforms located outside the United States
SEC v Cutter Financial, 23-cv-10589 (D. Mass, August 21, 2023):
Pushing back on the SEC's attempt to expand its jurisdiction over insurance products sold by licensed insurance agents
Murphy v SEC, 22-1241 (U.S., July 27, 2023):
Supporting Supreme Court review of decision expanding definition of "broker," restricting investor options for transaction intermediaries
Chamber of Commerce v SEC, 23-60255 (5th Cir., July 17, 2023):
Supporting challenge to SEC rule that adds expense and compliance burdens to companies giving investors the option to sell back their shares and use the proceeds as the investors choose
SEC v Keener, 22-14237 (11th Cir., June 7, 2023):
Opposing SEC's attempt to expand the definition of securities "dealer"
SEC v Grybniak, 20-cv-00327 (E.D.N.Y., May 19, 2023):
Opposing SEC's attempt to narrow scope of Reg D and Reg S registration exemptions
In re Coinbase, No. 23-1779 (3rd Cir., May 10, 2023):
Supporting petition for writ of mandate requiring SEC to respond to rule-making request
SEC v Wahi, 22-cv-01009 (W.D. WA, February 13, 2023):
Supporting dismissal of complaint creating secondary market uncertainty for digital asset investors
SEC v Spartan Securities Group, No. 22-13189 (11th Cir., January 24, 2023):
Opposing excessive monetary remedies as chilling market activity that causes no investor harm
SEC v LBRY, Inc., No. 21- 00260 (D.N.H., December 15, 2022):
Protecting investors' rights to transact digital assets in secondary market
SEC v Gounaud, No. 21-5578 (9th Cir., November 28, 2022):
Challenging expansion of broker registration requirements that could impact investment clubs
Grayscale Investments v SEC, No. 22-1142 (USCADC, October 18, 2022):
Challenging SEC's ability to engage in merits-based limitations on investor choices
SEC v. Ripple, No. 20-10832 (SDNY, October 18, 2022):
Challenging SEC's ability to restrict investor access to digital assets without statutory authority
SEC v. Cochran, No. 21-1239 (U.S., July 7, 2022):
Ensuring access to federal courts for constitutional challenges to SEC administrative proceedings
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