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ICAN Releases 2025 SEC Action Plan
Our 2025 SEC Action Plan is a comprehensive roadmap the new administration and lawmakers can use to help unleash the full potential of American markets while protecting small investors and entrepreneurs.
Drawing on the deep expertise of ICAN's network of former SEC attorneys, renowned securities lawyers, and industry experts, we've developed 17 concrete reforms across four key areas: streamlining market access, enhancing regulatory clarity, improving accountability, and modernizing structure. These aren't just theoretical proposals - they're practical solutions informed by decades of experience both inside and outside the agency.
Investor Choice Advocates Network (ICAN) is a nonprofit public interest litigation organization dedicated to breaking down barriers to entry to capital markets and pushing back against overreach by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), serving as a legal advocate and voice for small investors and entrepreneurs whose efforts help fuel vibrant local and national economies driven by innovation and entrepreneurship.
Our Clients

Through its direct litigation efforts, ICAN defends small investors and entrepreneurs whose efforts have been stymied by the overreach of the SEC and by their own limited ability to effectively challenge the actions of the behemoth government agency.
In the process, ICAN is building a precedent-based legal bulwark against SEC efforts to further restrict capital markets access.

Capital Ideas: Spotlight on Innovators Overcoming Regulatory Barriers
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Latest SEC Roundup
ICAN's twice-monthly vlog series features interviews with subject matter experts discussing pressing examples of SEC overreach.
Please contact ICAN with suggestions for future SEC Roundup topics.